SMARTherapy+ meeting December 2021

Meeting SMARTherapy+
Smart learning for gait physiotherapy – a standardized tool for health higher education in Europe
- Silesian University of Technology (Poland)
- Universitat zu Lubeck (Germany)
- Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- Academy of Physical Education in Katowice (Poland)
Tuesday, 21th December 2021, 9AM-10AM
9.00 Welcome. Introductory issue. Scope of midterm meeting SUT
9.05 Dissemination Report(June-November 2021) SUT
9.10 Presentation of Curriculum Report SUT
9.15 Presentation of course Templates and guidelines SUT
9.20 Presentation of IO2 AWF
9.40 Revision of video materials AWF
9.50 Tasks to do within IO2 (schedule) AWF
9.55 Other issues
- finances
- additional quality questionnaire, report of questionnaire 1&2
10.00 Close of the meeting SUT