SMARTherapy+ Multiplier Event

23.10.2023 SMARTherapy+


On October 13th, at the Aula Magna of the Polytechnic University of Milan, a multiplier event concerning modern technologies applied to gait analysis, the results of the common project, where among other Academy of Physical Eduation is a partner, "SMARTherapy+ - Smart learning for gait physiotherapy” were presented and discussed.

This initiative aims to develop content to standardize professional training at the European level for therapists in the field of functional recovery of walking. Manuela Pizzagalli from the Polytechnic Foundation of Milan inaugurated the event, highlighting the technological evolution in the path of innovation, and also valuing the role of the Foundation in this area.

The goal of this meeting was to transform technology and research into concrete innovations, paving the way for new ideas through open dialogue. The speakers shared testimonies on the methods of mobility recovery in the physiotherapy field, highlighting the relentless advancement of different technologies in this sector.

The event offered an in-depth look at therapeutic perspectives and the application of modern technologies in the field of #physiotherapy. We hope that this discussion continues to inspire innovation and to improve the quality of life of people.

Learn more about the project on our webisite or on the webisite of our Partner:


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