PRECOP 27 – a two-day climate conference in the run-up to the COP27 Climate Summit in Egypt

16.08.2022 News
The entry may contain outdated data.

PRECOP 27 Connference 18-19 October 2022 

PRECOP 27 is a high-level two-day conference aimed at preparing the Polish position for the Climate Summit in Egypt. During the event, we will see the recap of the outcomes of the previous Climate Summit (COP26) and see which issues were successfully dealt with and which still need to be picked up at COP27. Then we will see draft the position and postulates with respect to the main issues on the agenda of the upcoming COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt. The conference will be attended by delegates from the United Nations, the European Commission, the state administration and the worlds of business and science.

PRECOP 27 will be held at the International Congress Centre in Katowice, which was also the venue of the COP24 conference in 2018, attended by 20 thousand people from 200 UN member states. The PTWP was responsible for the organisation of the Summit.



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